Call for Special Session Proposals

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Submit the Special Session Proposal

The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2025 solicits proposals for special sessions, within the technical scope of IJCNN 2025. Special sessions aim to provide focused discussions on innovative and emerging topics in neural networks and related fields. Cross-fertilization of disciplines and emerging areas are strongly encouraged.


  • Timeline: the paper submissions for Special Sessions follow the same deadlines of regular papers.
  • Special Session Papers: Special Sessions receive papers up to 8 pages, according to the IJCNN 2025 regular paper rules. Papers submitted to Special Sessions will undergo a regular review process. Accepted papers will be published in the IJCNN 2025 proceedings.
  • Number of Papers for Author: No author may appear in more than two articles in a single special session.
  • Special Session Chair: At least one of the organizers must attend and chair the special session.
  • Special Session Attendance: At least one of the authors of each accepted paper is expected to present it in person.
  • Special Sessions at IJCNN 2025: Only special sessions with 5 papers accepted will be included in the program of IJCNN 2025. In the other cases, accepted papers will be moved to regular sessions. To avoid multiple special sessions on similar topics, an accepted proposal will likely be paired with similar proposals.


Prospective Special Session organizers are expected to submit a proposal document, including the following information:

  • Title of the Special Session
  • List of organizers with names, affiliations and personal websites (or Google Scholar profiles)
  • Email of the primary contact person
  • Abstract (max 4,000 characters) highlighting the motivations, objectives, novelty, relevance to IJCNN 2025, and potential impact of the topic covered by the special session
  • Link to previous editions of this special session (optional)
  • Title, list of authors, and short abstracts of at least five committed papers (optional but highly recommended)
  • List of potential reviewers for Special Session papers (mandatory after acceptance of the proposal)

Special Session proposals must be submitted as pdf files via the IJCNN 2025 CMT System.


Special session proposals will be evaluated based on:

  • Proposed topic
  • Relevance with the conference
  • Novelty of the topic
  • Expected impact and quality of the contributed papers
  • Background and diversity of the session organizer(s) and contributing authors


  • Special Session Proposal Submission Deadline – November 15, 2024
  • Special Session Proposal Acceptance Notification – December 5, 2024
  • Special Session Papers Submission – January 15, 2025
  • Special Session Paper Acceptance Notification – March 17, 2025


  • Toshihisa Tanaka – Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Eleonora Grassucci – Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
  • Clive Cheong Took – Royal Holloway University of London, UK