Call for Workshop Proposals

Download the pdf of the Call for Workshop Proposals

Download the template for Workshop Proposals

Submit the Workshop Proposal

IJCNN 2025 invites to organize half- or full-day workshops by submitting proposals to the IJCNN 2025 Organizing Committee. Workshops may focus on standard IJCNN topics as well as on emerging, multidisciplinary, and impactful topics.


  • Participation: Workshop organizers should facilitate participation, communication, and impact. Organizers are also in charge of the event promotion, agreements with speakers, sponsorships, and logistics during the event. Workshop organizers and/or their PhD students are not allowed to participate in the Workshop they are organizing.
  • Format: Workshop organizers may choose the half or full day format. Each workshop can be organized freely and may include keynotes, invited speakers, regular papers, poster sessions, round tables, and panels.
  • Papers: Workshops may receive the submission of full papers (up to 8 pages) to be considered, after review, for publication in the proceedings of the IJCNN 2025 on the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, as well as short papers (up to 4 pages) to be considered as poster presentation at the conference but not to be included in the proceedings.
  • Webpage: a detailed description of the Workshop should be provided through a dedicated webpage, which must be accessible, at least, till the end of the IJCNN 2025 conference.
  • Attendance fee: Workshop attendance is free for those who register for the main conference, while a reduced registration fee will be charged to workshop-only attendees.
  • Timeline: the Workshop timeline is decided by the Workshop organizers considering that the ultimate deadline for paper submissions is March 20, 2025.


Prospective Workshop organizers are expected to submit a proposal document (please limit it to 3 pages), including the following information:

  • Tentative title for the Workshop
  • Full list of organizers (including names, affiliations and short bios)
  • Relevance to the IJCNN community and motivation on why the workshop can enrich the conference; if similar events have been organized in the past, please motivate the novelty
  • Organization of the workshop (duration, expected number of attendees, agenda). If you plan to have keynotes or invited speakers, clarify in the proposal which of them already accepted the invitation
  • Organizing team’s experience: Information that supports the organizers’ ability to run a workshop (e.g. previous experiences on events’ organization).
  • Whether proceedings will go through IEEE Xplore Digital Library or not
  • List of potential reviewers for Workshop papers (mandatory after acceptance of the proposal)

All proposals will be evaluated according to their relevance for IJCNN 2025, novelty, impact to the community, and the organizers’ credentials. Organizers are expected to take into particular consideration diversity, inclusivity, and potential ethical issues.

Workshop proposals must be submitted as pdf files via the IJCNN 2025 CMT System.


  • Workshop Proposal Submission Deadline – December 15, 2024
  • Workshop Proposal Acceptance Notification – January 15, 2025
  • Workshop Papers Submission Deadline – March 20, 2025
  • Workshop Paper Acceptance Notification – April 15, 2025


  • Simone Scardapane – Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
  • Elisa Ricci – Università di Trento, Italy