Call for Tutorial Proposals

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Tutorial Proposals

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Tutorial Proposals

Submit the 
Tutorial Proposal

The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2025 solicits proposals for tutorials, within the technical scope of IJCNN 2025. Tutorials aim to provide focused discussions on innovative and emerging topics in neural networks and related fields. 


  • Format: Tutorial may have a duration of 1,5 hours or 3 hours.
  • Attendance: Tutorials must be presented in person.
  • Attendance fee: Tutorial attendance is free for those who register for the main conference.


Prospective Tutorial proposers are expected to submit a document, including the following information:

  • Title of the Tutorial
  • Duration
  • List of presenter(s) (including names, affiliations, contact information, short biography, personal websites or Google Scholar profiles)
  • Previous tutorials given by the presenters
  • Significance of the topic, timeliness, novelty, relevance to the IJCNN community, any previous editions of this tutorial
  • Outline and description of the tutorial

All proposals will be evaluated according to their relevance for IJCNN 2025, novelty, impact on the community, and expertise of the presenters.

Tutorial proposals must be submitted as pdf files via the IJCNN 2025 CMT System.


  • Tutorial Proposal Submission Deadline – December 15, 2024
  • Tutorial Proposal Acceptance Notification – January 15, 2025


  • Anthony Kuh – University of Hawai'i at Manoa
  • Zhi (Gerry) Tian – George Mason University